MPC observatory code 106
Longitude: 14o 04' 16" East; Latitude: 45o 56' 45" North; Altitude: 726 m
First Published November 10, 1995
Crni Vrh Observatory is operated by a group of dedicated observers. We run a Comet and Asteroid Search Program named PIKA after a Slovene acronym. For that purpose, we designed and built a 0.6-m, f/3.3 Cichocki telescope (named after B. Cichocki). It is custom made, advanced technology, wide-field imaging system, designed for sky survey applications. Since 2004, it operates as a remote robotic telescope. It nightly scans the sky and returns new discoveries of small Solar System bodies, which sometimes threaten our home planet Earth. Recent software upgrade enable us also discovery of distant cosmic explosions such as supernovae, Gamma Ray Bursts and variable stars. See also our 2 minute video presentation and recent updates of the PIKA project.

2000 and 2010 Shoemaker Grant Recipient

Last Images
Image of periodic comet 13P/Olbers, obtained on 2024 Aug. 24 (20h00-20h15UT) with 15-cm, f/3.5 Quattro-150P telescope and Canon 6D camera. Exposure time was 29x30 seconds at ISO 2500. Image scale is 5.1 arc sec/pixel. Copyright © 2024 by H. Mikuz, Crni Vrh Observatory.

Periodic Comet 13P/Olbers
Color image of periodic comet 13P/Olbers, obtained on 2024 August 3 (20h09-20h31 UT) with 60-cm, f/3.3 Deltagraph telescope, LRGB filters and CMO. Total exposure time was 12 minutes (6x30 in each filters). Image scale is 1.17 arc sec/pixel. Copyright © 2024 by H. Mikuz, Crni Vrh Observatory.

Periodic Comet 13P/Olbers
Color image of periodic comet 13P/Olbers, obtained on 2024 July 6 (20h49-21h07UT) with 60-cm, f/3.3 Deltagraph telescope, LRGB filters and CMO. Total exposure time was 10 minutes (5x30 in each filters). Image scale is 1.17 arc sec/pixel. Comet altitude about 13 deg. Copyright © 2024 by H. Mikuz, Crni Vrh Observatory.

Periodic Comet 13P/Olbers
Unfiltered image of periodic comet 13P/Olbers, obtained on 2024 July 5 (20h41-20h53UT) with 60-cm, f/3.3 Deltagraph telescope and CMO. Exposure time was 8 minutes (16x30s). Image scale is 1.17 arc sec/pixel. Comet altitude about 14 deg. Copyright © 2024 by H. Mikuz, Crni Vrh Observatory.

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